Plan Your Visit
Sundays 10 am | 1533 Cambridge dr se, Grand Rapids, MI 49506
We get it. Visiting a church for the first time can be uncomfortable, daunting, and even awkward. We want your first time with us to be as hassle-free and straight-forward as possible, so here’s our promise to you:
You will hear the Gospel
You can come as you are
You will be warmly welcomed
“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”
C.S. LEwis

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Learn More
I. God
A. We believe that God is a personal, loving, holy, righteous, sovereign, immutable, infinite, eternal, all-sufficient, all-knowing, and all-powerful spirit.
B. We believe that there is one God, existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who have shared infinite joy in the fellowship of the Trinity from all eternity.
C. We believe that God has revealed himself in creation, through his word (the Bible) and ultimately in The Word—Jesus and by his Spirit.
D. We believe that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant (in the original manuscripts), infallible, and authoritative word of God providing the standard by which all of life is to be interpreted so that it is useful for every good work.
II. Creation
A. We believe that God created the universe out of nothing, not from any lack in himself, but to increase his glory by sharing his joy.
B. We believe that God created men and women in his image to pursue a relationship with him, his people, and the advance of his kingdom for his glory and their joy.
III. Fall
A. We believe that Adam & Eve rebelled against God (rejecting God’s rule over their lives) with devastating consequences. Adam’s sin plunged the human race into bondage to sin, corrupting the whole person, bringing the punishment of death physically and spiritually, alienating humankind from God and each other, and bringing the whole creation under the curse of God.
B. We believe all people are sinners by nature & choice.
IV. Redemption
A. Redemption Prepared: We believe that from all eternity God had a plan to redeem a people for himself and that immediately after man’s rebellion God began preparing the way by which they might be restored to fellowship with God, his people, and his kingdom in his world.
B. Redemption Accomplished: We believe that Jesus accomplished the work of redemption in his incarnation (fully God & man), virgin birth, perfect life, atoning death, triumphant resurrection, and victorious ascension.
C. Redemption Applied: We believe that God’s people receive the full benefits of redemption personally: justification, adoption, sanctification, and glorification as they are united to Christ by faith through the Holy Spirit so that they may live their lives to the glory of God.9 We believe that Christ’s church receives the full benefits of redemption corporately: being a part of the family of God, people of God, temple of God, kingdom of God, a holy nation, a royal priesthood, his flock, his bride, the body of Christ, recipients of his spiritual gifts, and partakers in the true vine as they are included in the body of Christ by faith through the Holy Spirit so that they can live lives with ‘one another’, be members of Christ’s body, practice their spiritual gifts, give generously and sacrificially, profit from the preaching of the gospel, the leadership of elders, the service of deacons, church discipline, the Lord’ supper, and baptism. We believe that God’s world will ultimately be set free from its bondage to corruption through the cosmic redemption Jesus brings, so that we will see God’s will done on earth as it is heaven and all of life redeemed.
V. Restoration
A. We believe that Jesus will return bodily to triumph over all opposition, judge the world, and establish his kingdom.
B. We believe the dead will be raised bodily some to eternal conscious punishment in hell, and others to the eternal and infinite joy of restored fellowship with God, his people, and his kingdom in a new heavens & new earth.
BIBLICAL FAMILY: Jesus prayed for his church “that they may be one, even as we (The Trinity) are one” (John 17:11b). We believe that deep, authentic, and loving relationships reflecting the unity of the Trinity are an essential expression of the true church.
Everyone at RCC will be encouraged to engage in authentic community inside and outside of the church.
Our family will be equipped to develop honest relationships, with the understanding that our hearts were designed for intimacy.
In this pursuit, we commit to treat everyone at RCC like brothers and sisters, with kindness, grace, and truth.
KNOWING GOD: Jesus tells us “this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” (John 17:3). We believe that meaning, satisfaction, identity, freedom, and hope is ultimately found in a relationship with God, offered through Jesus, and secured by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Everyone at RCC will be encouraged to pursue an ever-greater knowledge of God as he reveals himself in creation, through his Son, and by his Spirit in the pages of Scripture.
Our family will be equipped to glorify God by investing in an intimate relationship with him, with the understanding that our hearts were designed to find our deepest joy in knowing Him.
In this pursuit, we commit to teach everyone at RCC with patience, clarity, and competence.
MAKING HIM KNOWN: Jesus told his disciples before he left: “As you [God the Father] sent me into the world, so I have sent them (the church) into the world” (John 17:18). We believe that we are a sent people inviting everyone to find their place in God’s epic story of redemption.
Everyone at RCC will be encouraged to pursue the habits of dying to self and loving our neighbors.
Our family will be equipped to use their lives to demonstrate God’s love with the understanding that humanity’s most important commonality is our equal need for the Gospel.
In this pursuit, we commit to support everyone at RCC physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Gathering: Every Sunday Redemption City gathers together from across the city to be reminded of all the God is for us through Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit so that we can be sent back out into our city on the mission of Jesus.
Communities: Throughout the week we meet in smaller groups in different neighborhoods throughout the city to enjoy a meal together and share how the gospel, community, and mission are intersecting with our everyday lives.
In July 2010 Mike & Jamie Bartlett moved from a student ministries position in South Florida to begin a church planting residency at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis. MN. The pastor, John Piper, had a huge impact in Mike’s call to ministry, theology, and passion for church planting. Bethlehem provided the training, assessment, and funding for a new church in Grand Rapids, MI. While Grand Rapids had a huge legacy of faith and tons of churches in the suburbs, Mike and Jamie wanted to reach students, professionals, and young families who lived, worked, and played in the heart of the city.
In July 2011 Mike & Jamie moved to Grand Rapids to spend a year learning about the city, meeting new people, sharing their vision for a new church, and building a church planting team. During this year they were able to embed at Crossroads Bible Church, a church with a big heart for the gospel, the city, and church planting. Bethlehem and Crossroads DNA deeply impacted the formation of this new launch team that grew to 30 members over the course of that year. During this same year Riverview Church in Holt helped support the church, sent over several key couples to join the launch team. Riverview also connected Redemption City with the Acts 29 Church Planting Network, helped Mike & Jamie through another assessment process, and added another key church planting partner in Michigan.
In September 2012, this church planting team began gathering as a new church in Crossroads Bible Church’s (old) Upper Room space on the Westside. In January 2013 Redemption City moved over to the campus of Aquinas College in Eastown where it would meet from 2013-2020. In the fall of 2020 Redemption City moved into its’ current space on Cambridge Dr. SE.